My Quarantine Self Care Survival Guide

lounge with help sign

Here we are in our fourth or fifth week of quarantine and as crazy as it is to say, we’re still alive.  The days literally are seeming to run together, the week is no different than the weekend. IT’S A LOT!  

Being a stay at home mom I am sort of used to being home, but this is taking it to a whole other level.  I am now adding teacher to the long list of things I do and to say it can be very overwhelming is the understatement of the century!  

Over the last week or so I have discovered that for me the key to surviving all of this is making sure that I feel good (internally and externally).  Taking care of myself is so important and doing things to help destress and relax really takes the edge off.

I compiled a list of things that I have started to be more intentional about in order to make sure I survive these next several weeks.  I call it my “quarantine self care survival guide”.

Take a Bath

This is possibly the single best thing you can do right through these times.  I don’t take baths very often, but the other day I decided to take one in the afternoon.  When I tell you I literally felt all of the anxiety and stress slip away, It was amazing. I was so relaxed afterwards and I felt so much lighter.  If you don’t usually take baths or haven’t taken one in a long time, run to that tub girl. I plan on taking one at least once a week from now on.



I know that this may not be everyone’s favorite subject.  Exercise/working out produces mixed emotions for a lot of people. You don’t have to be a gym rat or fitness buff to exercise.  It’s really more about being and staying active. You can take a walk, ride a bike, take a dance class online or play “Just Dance” ( a video game I play with the kids); the point is to get moving.  Exercise has been scientifically proven to change our moods and emotions for the better. I know it has significantly helped me feel so much better and helps me manage all of the stress that has come from this crazy time.     


Skincare Routine

The spas may be closed, but you can create your own spa right in your home.  Taking fifteen or twenty minutes to care for your skin is a life changing habit that you need to start doing right now.  From the basics of cleansing and toning to mask and serums, a homemade spa can be your oasis in the middle of this quarantine desert.  

A Cup of Tea 

A hot cup of chamomile tea always relaxes me, but any type of herbal tea is good for you.  There is something so comforting about sitting down and drinking a cup of tea. What else is there to say?  

lounge w/mag on couch

A Good Book or Magazine

Reading is always a great way to escape into other worlds.  It gets your mind off of yourself and what is going on around you, if only for a little while. 


Binging TV Shows

I mean come on, do I really even have to say it? “Netflix and chill”, it really is a thing.  Finding a series on netflix (or any streaming provider) and watching all of the seasons back-to-back is a must.  Getting lost in alternate realities is a great way to escape.  

For all of my zombie fans, nine seasons of “The Walking Dead” are streaming on Netflix and trust me, it’s like watching the show for the first time. “The Haunting at Hill House” is sooo good.  You’re Welcome!

lounge on couch w/hair toss


When all else fails, take a nap.  Girl, sometimes the best way to escape is to  GO. TO. SLEEP.  You will be amazed at how much better you feel and how much better you can deal with things after a little bit of rest.


Laugh.  Laugh. Laugh.

Laughter has gotten me through some really difficult situations in my life.  It really is like medicine to the soul and we could all use a whole lot of funny right now.  I mean gut wrenching, tears in your eyes, bent over type of laughter. There are a lot of great memes going around and they will seriously do the trick.


Some days are harder than others, but we are going to get through this together.  Hope you guys are staying home and staying safe.  

Share some of your quarantine survival tips with me in the comments.



  1. April 15, 2020 / 8:54 AM

    Yes!!!! Helpful and adorable.

  2. Jackie
    April 15, 2020 / 8:56 AM

    Love! These are tips that we can all adhere to and experience some relief.

  3. Michelle
    April 15, 2020 / 4:56 PM

    This is awesome! Even for us “Baby Boomers” Proud Momma😍

  4. Toni
    April 15, 2020 / 8:36 PM

    Awesome tips and and useful options!

  5. Toni
    April 15, 2020 / 8:39 PM

    Awesome tips and and useful options!

  6. Camicia Evans
    April 23, 2020 / 8:05 PM

    Love It!!! All of these are extremely helpful and insightful!

  7. Tselane
    April 23, 2020 / 9:07 PM

    Love this! I’m not a mom, but this is cute, and helpful to all.💜

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