Sweater Weather Soup!

Tomato soupGet those spoons out people!

Tomato Soup

Sweater weather is finally here and it makes me want to curl up on the couch with a big hot bowl of soup and a blanket.  (A good movie kind of goes without saying!) I found the cutest dutch oven for such a great deal and I am obsessed with finding dishes that I can make in my pot.  Here are some great ones here and here.  Soup is the best thing to make in a dutch oven so I have compiled my own list of the best soups to make for this amazing fall weather.

Who doesn’t love soup, I mean it’s usually extremely easy and you can cook everything in one pot.  It just makes you feel so warm and cozy inside, it’s just a little bit of heaven on earth.  The soups I have on my list are my top favorites to eat.  Of course, there are hundreds of different soup options and ingredients so the possibilities are endless! I have personally made one or two of these recipes myself and the others I do plan on making at some point during the season.

What are some of you guys favorite soups for the cold weather months? Share them with me in the comments below.  Stay warm guys!



zuppa toscana soup

Zuppa Toscana


chicken noodle

Chicken Noodle

lobsterbisquePin this image on Pinterest

Lobster Bisque

tacosoupPin this image on Pinterest

Taco Soup

brocollicheesePin this image on Pinterest

Broccoli Cheese


  1. October 7, 2015 / 11:31 AM

    Now how did you know I was a big soup fanatic? lol. I am loving the round up you have going on here. i especially love the chicken noodle soup and the broccoli and cheese soup… did you see it? Well of course you did, you posted it lol. Delicious.

    Kia / KTS

    • sbooker80
      October 7, 2015 / 12:11 PM

      I am so excited about making some of these. I love soup too!

  2. October 7, 2015 / 12:40 PM

    The fall/winter season is great for soup! These soups look delicious; tomato soup is definitely my favorite!

  3. sbooker80
    October 10, 2015 / 8:59 PM

    Thanks for visiting. I think my favorite soup is the Zuppa Toscana right now. That might change though. LOL!

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