OUTFIT DETAILS: Sweater (old) Similar here | Slippers (sold out) Similar here and here
Sitting down and writing out things you have to be grateful for is a great way to shift your focus. This year has been extremely challenging and painful for all of us in some way and when we only focus on the bad we tend to lose sight of what some of the good things are. Writing out the things you’re grateful for really changes your perspective and will help to lift your spirits.
Plan 2021
There is a verse in the bible that talks about writing out your vision and making it clear so that you can see and understand it. There is another that says that where there is no vision the people won’t have any hope. This clearly says to me that sitting down and figuring out what you want your year to look like is so important in life. Setting goals and having a plan clearly written will give you hope and joy and something to look to. It also puts into perspective the kind of work you need to do to make those things happen. And even if the year isn’t completely how you plan it, you will still have a guide and you can make changes as needed.
The true meaning of Christmas tends to get lost in all of the shopping, decorating, and baking, but Christmas time is really about love and giving. Finding a charity to donate to this time of year is a great way to lift your spirits. There are so many great charities to give to. Toys for Tots and Angel Tree are some of the local ones that I donate to, but there are tons of local and national charities that are following the current health and safety guidelines. Click here or here to learn more.
Doing these things will help lift your spirits this holiday season and prepare for the year ahead and hopefully become things that we do all year long. What are some of the things you do to get in the Christmas spirit?